Let’s talk about Autism

How we understand and view Autism is potentially different from the views you have heard elsewhere.

You see, Âûtsome Kuching is run mostly by Neurodivergent people. Those of us who aren’t neurodivergent are neurotypical. But our perspectives on Autism don’t come from professional training or university study or book learning. They come from our lived experience, as professionals, as parents, and as Autistic people.

We have lived as Autistic individuals our entire lives, and we each have a deep, personal knowledge of what it is to live Autistically.

It is that experience that informs what we do and why we do it.

Our view on Autism

At Âûtsome Kuching, we think of Autism as a brain difference

that is basic and fundamental to who we are.

Autistic people develop differently to non-autistic people. Autistic individuals think, move, interact, sense and process differently to what people might expect and have qualities that make us like other Autistic people.

These qualities include differences in the way we:

  • communicate. Many of us communicate with others in ways that aren’t typical or usual,

  • experience and display our feelings,

  • interact with others,

  • form and understand our friendships and relationships,

  • engage in the things we are passionate about or experts in,

  • imagine, and play,

  • see patterns and connections, and

  • perceive or sense the world around us.

At Âûtsome Kuching, we talk about Autism as a way our brains process our experiences. We do not use the word “disorder” to describe our Autism. Instead, we talk about ourselves as different, not disordered. Because Autism is not a disease or an illness; it is not curable or treatable.

It can be challenging, though. But we think the challenges often come because other non-autistic (Allistic) people struggle to understand us, and the world can feel so very overwhelming at times.

So, we want to change the frame through which we view Autism. We want to dare that overwhelming world to lose the accepted stereotypes about Autism, its stigmas, and prejudices.

We want to change the lens so that society can see the strength in Autism, its value, and its beauty.

Âûtsome Kuching gives the Autistic community, and the people who love and support us, a way we can celebrate who we are, how we exist, and what we have to offer.

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